Insights for the Booksites - reading mostly for my own pleasure
I'm so excited to read this I don't want to go to bed, but I just need my beauty sleep. It's free on Kindle and I've had it for forever and I'm elated to be able to listen to the audiobook! I wish I could get all the books in the series. It's narrated by Carla Mercer-Meyer because I've been in a slump I don't really feel good about anything lately. I've heard good things about Ellie Jordan, Ghost Trapper so we shall see. I mean if you are into ghosts then it should be good. I thought it would be a good spooky Halloween read.
I've read, and loved, J.LBryans The Paranormals and Songs of Magic, so I am familiar with the author and I like what I've read so far. Yay!
So far we have the ghost of Mercy Cutledge and they are trying to excise it or get rid of it from a home the Treadwells live at present. It used to be the house of Augustus March. There is history and many people died in that house. The Ghost of Mercy Cutledge isn't leaving though. She used to live in an Asylum when she was alive and the authority regarded her as crazy. Scary detective work investigating the old abandoned mental hospital.