Jackie's Booklikes

Insights for the Booksites - reading mostly for my own pleasure


Beautiful Oblivion


Beautiful Oblivion by Jamie McGuire
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Beautiful Oblivion takes place in and around the same time as all the other Beautiful books and ends with the Keaton Hall Fire that killed a few college students...I'm beginning to think that Jamie McGuire is stuck on one track:/ I would think that would get tiring and redundant after awhile and in fact the story moved progressively slow between Camille's job as a waitress at the Red and a receptionist at the same Tattoo parlour Trent worked at. I liked Trenton a little less than Travis.

Anyway Beautiful Oblivion was written from Camille's pov and she was in a relationship with this mysterious character called T.J. before Trent. I never knew who T.J was until it was revealed at the very last, but I never liked him for being absent from Cami's life. Anyway is it just me or was it kinda lame to keep his identity hidden from us? I know that T.J wanted it that way but jeez do you think it would've spared us from Trent's anger!?

In previous installments we knew the Maddox brothers had an older brother named Tommy and that he worked in california as a private investigator on some secret mission. Well, can you guess who T.J is? HECK YA! Thomas James Maddox ! Having said that, I think he should have his own book right?

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